Deutsche Version / English version

The virtual magazine 2000 presents in periodically published new issues articles from the categories photography, painting and computerart, that invite at the same time to reading and regarding pictures.
Zum virtuellen Magazin 2000 >>>

On the page "Aktuelles" there are to be found dates, exhibitions and meeting references.
Zur Seite "Aktuelles" >>>

The virtual museum 99 shows art in photography, drawing and painting. This virtual gallery has also works of digital art in its collection and an up-to-date linkpage with webart. The artists are invited by the group of creators.

The museum can be walked by the "Rundgang", a tour through different rooms, that can be visited one after the other, or by the alphabetical order of artists on the page "Übersicht".

The navigation Rundgang | Information | Übersicht | Vernetzung | "Webcam" can be found on the bottom of each page.

Small "thumbnails" on pages of participants can be clicked to appear in a larger size.

In case of further questions on the virtual museum please mail to

Themes and projects of the museum's participants:
Wolfgang Bähr:   Drawings
Martin Bäuml:   Photography, Installations
Jörg Boström:   Photography, Painting, Computergraphics, Writing
Annette Bültmann:   Computergraphics, Photography
Jörg Fichna:   Multimedia, 3D- Animation, Video
Kerstin Heider:   Computergraphics, Virtual Landscapes
Jürgen Heinemann:   Photography, Photojournalism
Karl Martin Holzhäuser:   Generative Photography, Lightpainting
Andreas Löschner-Gornau:   Installations, Experimental Photography
Karl Müller:   Extended Photography in Digital Space
Markus Redert:   Photography, Colour Rooms
Marisa Rosato:   Photographic Works on the Subject Time
Eckart Schönlau:   Photojournalism, Experimental Photography
Sabine Schründer:   Photography, Pictures from Tokyo
Friedbert Schulze:   VRML-Rooms in Motion
Frank Spreen-Ledebur:   "Der Entdecker" - Internetgame
Alfred Tilp:   Digital Images, Compugraffitti




